Thursday, December 22, 2011

Arrogance Catches Up To Jim Sensenbrenner

The dean of the Wisconsin Congressional delegation shows his true colors at a church Christmas bazaar, no less:
While chatting with five St. Aidan's parishioners on Dec. 10, Sensenbrenner took several swipes at the first lady, [Ann] Marsh-Meigs said. In one, she said, the congressman claimed Michelle Obama left a recent charitable event when the media did, though Sensenbrenner's handicapped wife continued to work it.

"He then talked about how different first ladies have had different projects - Laura Bush and literacy - and he named two or three others," Marsh-Meigs said in an interview last week. "And then he said, 'And Michelle Obama, her project is obesity. Hey, there's the holiday spirit!~And look at her big butt.
 Hey, there's the Christmas spirit!

Yeah: from this guy:

We've seen his arrogant behavior before, but this time he's insulted the First Lady in a crude and sexist manner.

Yet has no fear of being heard publicly, or filter for what is running from his brain to his mouth.

Like the Congressman who shouted "you lie" at Pres. Obama during a State of the Union speech, Sensenbrenner shows he has zero respect for the First Family.

Imagine what Sensenbrenner and his ilk say when they are in truly private conversation.


  1. Thank you for what I can only call a disappointing revelation. I grew up on the North Shore, first met Jim Sensenbrenner when he was a first-term state representative, and had occasional contact with him over the years, most recently in the early 90s. I rarely agreed with him, but I always felt that his overwhelmingly GOP district would probably elect someone worse if he were replaced. (Substitute practically any Waukesha County Republican for proof.) He seems to have changed.

  2. This is a small man and he's a perfect representative if his district.

  3. Craig Remembers EverythingDecember 22, 2011 at 2:28 PM

    Remember when he had to jump out of a window of his home in Virginia to escape flames possibly set by some men he had met earlier in the night? I believe it was in the '80s. Can you imagine if that had happened in today's media environment?

  4. James Sensenbrenner: Proof that you CAN pile mean that high!

  5. Poor Jimmy. Of all the churches in Washington County he could schedule a schmooze-fest in, he chooses St. Aidan's, a haven for many of the more accepting churchgoers in the area, and a bunch who are not afraid to speak their minds.
    Twit. Since this is the guy who wrote an op-ed just before the health care reform act was passed referring to anyone without insurance as "those people" and objecting to how they would clog the emergency rooms and take advantage of the system, I say it's about time his words came back to bite him in his own rather substantial posterior.

  6. #Craig: I remember that incident. Very bizarre.

  7. @Craig...

  8. Tex has always been a class act. After all, he apologized for being a jerk, didn't he!

  9. I actually got an apology from the Rep. for his boorish behavior. This was back in the '80s when I was the Chair of the MATC board; I had been invited to the Reagan white house for a discussion on education (he was running for re-election and needed the women's vote), but while in D.C., I visited Sensenbrenner in his office.

    He made some type of a comment that he was too busy for extended discussions since he didn't have the kind of time that homemakers had, and we were shown the door. When I got back home I ripped off a nasty letter that we were not just some jaunty ladies on a holiday, but I in fact ran a law office and had taken unpaid time off from my work to travel to D.C. on behalf of my MATC duties. Talk about stereotyping. To his credit, he did write and offered an apology for this misunderstanding.
