Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The WI Club For Growth Hopes To Undermine Recall Petitioners

In its regular Wednesday email, the pro-Walker righties offer this little plan:
We eagerly await the knock on our door. We’ll ask the petition circulator to help us understand why Scott Walker should be removed from office.

We hope they take a long time explaining, because every minute they spend failing to get our signature is a minute they don’t spend getting someone else’s. It’s fun to be a subversive.


  1. As Muhammad Ali said to George Foreman during their epic fight: "Is that all you got?" This is neither original nor effective; it also assumes we are gullible and stupid. Anyway, we are not going to waste time trolling Club for Growth type wealthy neighborhoods. I know the Rethugs will do everything they can to throw sand in the gears, but all this does is maybe make them feel good and smug.

  2. If they're not worried, why all the elaborate plans (a multi-pronged attack) to subvert the recall?
