Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Michael Bloomberg Obviously Wants To Be Recalled

What a fool.


  1. Recall, recall, recall, recall... that seems to be the response to every disagreement on policy by the left.

    Should he have left them in there to continue stealing, raping and killing each other?

  2. That is by far your most hysteria-driven comment.

  3. New York City doesn't have a recall provision, for what it's worth.

  4. I do not recall any republicans protesting in front of Diamond Jim Doyle's house. But again most on the right are not ugly mean people like your typical lefty

  5. To Anony: Right. You echo the vicious rhetoric that talk radio spewed for eight years against Doyle, so you folks have your own brand of ugly.

  6. If you cannot see the difference in protesting in front of someones house who is not even there and talking on the radio, then you are a complete idiot.

    On a side note, I do not recall hearing about any rapes at any for the Tea Party protests.
