Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Illinois, A Walker Target, Led The Nation In New Jobs Last Month

Illinois added 30,000 jobs, the most among states. It was followed by California, which added 25,700.

Illinois' job growth appears to have encouraged many people who had stopped looking for work to resume job searches, increasing the size of the labor force. That caused the unemployment rate to rise, despite the job gain.

Wisconsin reported the biggest job loss, a drop of 9,700, followed by New York, which shed 8,300.
And Wisconsin, last month?

We lost 9,700 jobs, leading the nation. That's a 40,000 job swing.

Advantage Illinois! Seems employers like Illinois better.

No wonder the Wisconsin Department of Revenue has said Scott Walker's promise of 250,000 new jobs in four years is unattainable.

And remember when Walker was bashing Illinois for its tax policy, and was urging employers there to come to Wisconsin, which his sophomoric little border war signs sayng Wisconsin was "Open For Business?"

I suspect that job creation was helped in Illinois by Wisconsin wind farm, and Amtrak money and construction that shifted there after Walker nixed those projects here, proving that Wisconsin was not open for business and that he was not ready for prime time:
ROCK COUNTY (WKOW) -- Gov. Scott Walker unveiled new road signs today announcing that Wisconsin is open for business.

Gov. Walker puts up new signs targeted at Illinois businesses

Posted: Jan 18, 2011 8:11 AM CST

1 comment:

  1. Walker apologists continue to repeat the lie -- actually used by Walker himself -- that people and businesses are fleeing Illinois in droves.

    Comparisons of Wisconsin to Illinois in any case are red herrings. Illinois is its own state with its own issues. Even if we took at face value the Walkerites' claims that Illinois is in such bad shape, it DOES NOT FOLLOW that we would be going the way of Illinois if not for Walker doing exactly what he did. That is called a non sequitur.

    Walker was responsible for governing Wisconsin in a fair-minded and compassionate way in the interests of the entire citizenry. He did not and as a result he is reaping the whirlwind.
