Saturday, November 26, 2011

As Distant Housing Prices Fall, Wisconsin To Expand Expensive Highways To Serve Them

I-94 to be reconstructed, and widened past Pabst Farms - - including a new interchange to the stalled subdivisions and a mall never built - - all the way to the Jefferson County line in a multi-billion-dollar splurge - - why?


  1. Could it be Scott Walker paying a debt to the highway lobby? Oh, silly me, Eagle Scout Scottie would never do something so dishonorable.

  2. Nah- not pay for play! Not with Scottie! How dare you think this way

  3. Unfortunately, Walker is following in a long, bi-partisan and wasteful tradition, though his hostility to transit puts him in a worse light.

  4. Can we just take care of our hometown streets first? I see neglect of city streets where neglect did not exist before Walker made cuts to local municipalities.
