Friday, October 14, 2011

Four-Hour Gun Carry Requirement In Wisconsin Masks The Real Story

Which is the complete insanity of the concealed carry law and its supporters obeisance before the political enforcers in the NRA in the first place.

So Walker can look 'reasonable' by approving, on an interim basis, the four-hour training requirement - - as opposed to the zero-minutes training requirement that the ever-farther-out gun advocates want.

Nothing good is going to come of this fiasco.


  1. Interesting comment in the JS about the cost preventing lower income individuals from being trained. The state may end up coughing up the costs for training.

    Do I see a lawsuit coming from the NRA?

  2. November 1st can't come soon enough!

    Amazing that I had to wait that long for a constitutional right.

    thank you Gov. Walker and the Legislature!
