Wednesday, October 19, 2011

EPA Orders End To Sewer Pollution - - In Brookfield

Seems there's trouble in the brooks and fields near Brookfield.

Are we going to hear talk radio dump all over the tony Waukesha County suburban City of Brookfield, as it regularly does when Milwaukee is involved, now that the EPA is giving Brookfield  a 2015 deadline to end sewage overflows?
In the seven years between Jan. 1, 2004, and Feb. 28, 2011, Brookfield reported 46 sanitary sewer overflows to tributaries of the Fox River or Lake Michigan, according to the consent order. Only five of the overflows were caused by contractor error or other problems not related to rainfall.


  1. Probably not. CHARLIE AND MARKY have their agenda set up by some outside source. Puppets!

  2. How about both cities fix their problem and stop dumping sewage?


  3. But it doesn't stink, because it's coming from Brookfield.
