Friday, September 30, 2011

Small Government Freshman Senator Johnson Grasps After Bigger Government Position

For a tea partying guy who says we have too much government, Ron Johnson wants to add a new title and responsibilities to that of US Senator.

This is a little like telling everyone to go on a diet while you're eating at a fancy buffet everyday and auditioning for pastry chef.

1 comment:

  1. He wants to set the tone? Patrick McNo (Johnson's) in house writer obviously is bored.
    Dear Paul,
    Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns for our education system in Wisconsin. 
    Prior to serving in the Senate, I volunteered as the business co-chair of the Partners in Education Council of the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce.  We worked with teachers, school administrators, local officials, and community leaders in Oshkosh to help provide students with the tools necessary to lead productive and successful lives. 
    Serving on the Council made me aware of the significant challenges facing educators today.  It also confirmed my belief that good teachers know how to teach, and local administrators know how to run their schools. Educational decisions should be made as close to local schools and classrooms as possible. 
    Parents, teachers, and local leaders are in the best position to understand what their children and students need. The more power Washington bureaucracies have over education, the more education suffers. Students and parents should have the flexibility to choose the type of education that best suits their individual requirements. 
    I fully recognize how important education is in the lives of individuals and to the success of America competing in a global economy.  We should be moving in the direction of more local control and an educational system that concentrates on matching educational results with employer needs.
    I believe one of my most important duties as your Senator is to listen to the views of the citizens of Wisconsin and, in turn, communicate my views. I hope I have accomplished that with you. 

    Thank you again for taking the time to share your concerns with me on this issue. I apologize for any delay you have experienced in receiving this reply. Since taking office in January, my office has received over 250,000 pieces of correspondence. We are working hard to respond to your concerns in a timely manner. 
