Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mark Belling Exclusive: He Tells Us What 45-Year-Old Black Guys Look Like

LeBron James, that's who. Yep, that insight came from Milwaukee's leading p.m. righty talker at about 3:25 p.m Wednesday afternoon.

The context [sic] for such a remark?

That some people always look old, and that Le Bron looks old, which is the way 45-year-old Black men look.

Then Belling moved on to Michael Jordan "feminizing" half the male population popularizing the single earring - - but not going "girl" any further - - followed by a negative critique of Aaron Rogers' hair and mustache.

Isn't talk radio useful?


  1. Mark Yelling no doubt has some insecurity issues with men internally free enough to accessorize with jewelry. These men apparently aren't living up to his man standard. Could they becoming to liberal?

  2. I am amazed that Belling has lasted as long as he has in this market. I could never stand listening to his ranting and raving, and so I have not listend to him in many, many years. Public radio, both WUWM and WHAD, are much better options as far as I am concerned.

  3. Keep listening ladies/gentlemen, perhaps you will come around and learn something.

  4. Mark Bellowing spend his time whining, squawking and insulting people, methods, topics and agencies. Just once it would be nice to hear him offer thoughtful commentary or even a solution. *gasp*

    I, too, am amazed that he's stayed on the air as long as he has. People must like the old school grating rant and whine. Not me.

    @Reagan's Disciple- Widen your scope of information sources. Perhaps you will learn something too.

    WPR, NPR, APR, BBC CBC all are great providers of news not heard on traditional media or conservative new sources. And that's just radio.

  5. @CJ

    I get my information from many sources and Belling is just one of them. MSNBC, Fox, Drudge, blogs like this, documentaries (if done by someone reliable) and various other radio and tv personalities among others.

    More specifically, I really like watching Bill Maher on Friday nights (I know, what an exciting life... good thing for my DVR). Even he is not technically a news source and although I disagree with him on 99% of his issues, he is entertaining and informative, just as Belling is.

  6. And what would we learn Reagan? Skills in spewing hated for public servants and racism. Could we learn how to use the word "wetback" to describe Hispanics? Do you honestly believe everything he says. Have you heard his recent rant on teachers? Here's an excerpt from his program.

    "most Wisconsin public school teachers are absolute lunatics. People at least now are beginning to say this. I've been talking about this for years. Most of them are not good people. Most are not fair minded. Most of them do not care about the children. Most of them are sickening union thug money jerks who couldn't care less about the public good." Mark Yelling Is this what you want to learn Reagan???

  7. Mark Yelling ranting in one of his recent "shows".
    "most Wisconsin public school teachers are absolute lunatics. People at least now are beginning to say this. ( oh really.) I've been talking about this for years. ( why has he been talking about this for years? Did he have a bad experience in school?) Most of them are not good people.( How would he know. He doesn't let them talk on his program..) Most are not fair minded.( Really Mark? You try being a teacher and not be fair minded.) Most of them do not care about the children. (Really Mark- so teachers working for 25 years don't care about children?) Most of them are sickening union thug money jerks who couldn't care less about the public good." ( Sickening?) (Mark Yelling)
