Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jeff Plale As Wisconsin Railroad Commissioner? Oh, Dear

So Walker is already transferring former Democratic State Senator Jeff Plane from his $90.000-a-year DOA position to the semi-useless and over-titled office of state rail commissioner? Also at $90,000 k a year.

Oh, man - - in a state hostile to passenger rail, and certainly from Scott Walker the anti-rail crusader, this is a genuine sidetracking, away from the Capitol and the life of the government.

One former commissioner, Rodney Kruenen loved the job, but he was a rail buff who had pro-Amtrak Tommy Thompson's support. This is a different era.

Wonder whom Walker wants to insert into the DOA post instead? Stay tuned.


  1. I seem to recall a Doyle appointee to a high speed rail commission was later snapped up by Walker to assist Plale in his Dept. of Admin. duties. I commented on it at the time on some blog, but for the life of me I can't find it. Could be nothing.

  2. Could it perhaps be another defeated former legislator?

  3. this is an appropriate position for plale, considering how he railroaded state employes.

  4. "As commissioner of railroads, I will improve rail infrastructure and safety," Plale said in a statement. "I understand the importance of a comprehensive transportation infrastructure and the profound impact that rail has on commerce and job creation."

    Oh really Mr.Plale? You must not have spoken with your boss Walker!

    Profound impact?? Have you been talking to Walker's convicted train owner buddy?

  5. Scary that the Walker boys could make Jim Doyle look clean and responsive to the public, but they've managed to do that. Guess we know what the price for "Pay to Plale's" vote on new union contracts was, don't we?

    Gotta give Scotty this- he knows how to pay off those who do his bidding. The hell with the rest of us, but he certainly takes care of his little club.

  6. Gotta give Scotty this- he knows how to pay off those who do his bidding. The hell with the rest of us, but he certainly takes care of his little club.

  7. oh dear?

    Oh no is more like it.

  8. Oh, dear is what Alberta Darling used to say about supporting right-wing outrages, before she got with the program. And it's what every pro-Walker editorial in the JS should start with.
