These out-of-state and DC liberal interest groups have joined forces with Wisconsin’s powerful teacher’s union and they’re on-the-air with a multi-million TV buy that’s disgraceful and filled with lies, distorting the policy agenda of the Wisconsin Legislature and Governor Scott Walker.
Now we’re in a critical stage where we must raise $225,000 fast to keep our truth-telling, public policy TV and radio ads on the air. In our hour of need, we return to you and our other strong and faithful supporters...
A forum, news site and archive begun in February, 2007 about politics and the environment in Wisconsin. And elsewhere.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Wisconsin Club For Growth Anxious Pitch
By email, they're trying to raise money to counter big donations they say are coming to Democrats,- but look who's talking:
Very different from the Dem's requests for money.