Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Walker Blunder That Cost Taxpayers $31 Million, And More...

I'm surprised the Walker people haven't taken down their childish, churlish site that boasts about killing fast Amtrak service to Madison as part of a Midwest network - - an action that has led the state to contemplate spending our money on a piece of the network the refused money would have covered.


  1. But you see, in order to be a true Republican, you have to hate trains, and bicycles, and people who ride them (latte-sipping liberals all). And above all you have to hate taking federal money (even though if you don't use it, someone else will). Take heart -- as King Scottie himself has said, we already have Madison-Milwaukee transit -- the Badger Bus! And it is state-of-the-art, for sure!

  2. The $31 Million will be far cheaper than the untold $100's of millions the "high-speed" choo choo to Madison would have cost to complete and operate.

    Btw Rowen - did you notice today is was reported the LOSS on the Chrylser bailout is expected to be $1.3 Billion?

    In case you have forgotten, you have crowed in the past about the profits we were going to realize from bailing out Chrysler and GM.

  3. I see the use of fear and unfactual information. Ugh Build Roads. Ugh mass transit bad. Me need my Limbaugh fix. Keep it classy GOP!

  4. Those "hundreds of millions" were provided to build the train -- $810 million worth. It would have been $8 - $10 million to operate eventually (and that's the high estimate) and in the meantime would have generated jobs and economic growth. But so what, not taking the money got Scooter elected, the fact that he then asked for almost $300 million of it is meaningless to the train haters right?
