Friday, July 29, 2011

Tea Party? Looks More Like A Kool-Aid Session

When Wall Streeters and hedge fund managers crashed the economy at the end of George Bush's presidency - - where Dick Cheney, the real President, had said "deficits don't matter" - - people were furious as they watched their nest-eggs break.

"Who did this?," people asked, but there were few names attached to mug shots. People pointed fingers all the way back to the Clinton administration, and to agencies with funny names - - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - - and arcane financial instruments that only CPA's could decipher.

As Meltdown II approaches, at least this time we will have the identities of the villains - - Tea Party Members of Congress who follow The Teachings of Grover Norquist and Ayn Rand, and are seizing  the ship of state to deliberately scuttle it - - all to guarantee, they think, the defeat of Pres. Obama.

It's a political Jonestown.


  1. How in the world do you assign blame to the tea party?

    They are opposed to Boehner's bill because it does not go far enough. This same bill has been vowed to be defeated in the Senate by Reid. Even if the conservative members of the house jumped on board with Boehner, the bill would still fail in the senate.

    How about blaming Reid or Obama for their failed trillions of dollars in spending.... at least then you would be getting warm.

    I guess life sucks when you run out of other peoples money to spend.

  2. Right. The Tea Party wants to further engineer economic angst and social decline.

    That's the ticket.

    We got into this mess with Bush's off-budget wars and tax cuts. He inherited a surplus, left with a deficit.

  3. they are opposed to Boehner's bill because

    The tea partiers' avowed strategy (at least amongst themselves) is to push the vote past the default deadline, creating "enough chaos" to push their ideology forward.

    For all their whining about Bolshevism, the TPers sure love Bolshevist tactics.

  4. I'm still waiting for the president's plan. Obama? Obama? Obama? .....

  5. Ah - - do you really? Something else to rip? Revenue bills arise in the House.

  6. I am reminded of the morons waving American flags and posters declaring "Let's Roll" right before the Iraq war. Then, as now, the loudmouths clearly have no idea what will happen if they get their way. Then they somehow manage to blame what they have wrought on the other guy.

    I used to think that the battle in American politcs was to win the centrists. Now I'm opretty sure it's actually a battle to win the stupid.

  7. James, revenue bill do arise from the house. And the plan from the house in 2009 was what?????? Pelosi?? Pelosi?? .....

  8. yeah because all democrats do is spend money we dont have all the time and somehow thts the tea partys fault i dont think its the tea party running congress now is it the dems have a majority and still cant get their socialist reforms through interesting isnt it
