Monday, July 25, 2011

My Prediction On Walker's Signing Redistricting Missed By One Day, But...

I had said I thought he'd bury it on a Friday afternoon - - so I got it wrong by a working day - - but Walker does not completely disappoint, as he signed the Republicans' horrendously partisan redistricting plan quietly, and issued today a one-line release about his deed.


  1. He didn't actually sign the redistricting yet - just the preliminaries about nuking the law on local and state order and changing how it can be challenged in the courts. So the Friday bury bet could still win.

  2. yeah well.. where's he gonna have to travel to for his next big signature-event? Miss Mona's Chicken Ranch ? So he can celebrate all the good work they do there in giving young un-skilled females job experience and opportunity?
    I'd like to know what the hell is wrong with that man's own desk. He should use it once.
    He's been here more times signing crap already than he ever was during his campaign. Little backwards, ain't it?

  3. Like when he went fake fishing on opening day and protesters in boats held up signs. I LOVED that one!
