Friday, June 24, 2011

Website Documents Alberta Darling's Recall-Worthy Record

Republican State Sen. Alberta Darling, (River Hills), has earned a web page cataloguing most of the reasons she's been forced into a recall election.

Let's not forget the late-night pork chop she threw to the Milwaukee police union and its dismissed-for-cause officers  - - at the expense of Milwaukee property-taxpayers - - or her gleeful support for Medicare buster Paul Ryan.

[Friday 6/24 Update- - Darling asked Walker to veto the police pork provision, says Walker's office, and Walker will apparently to just that. Talk about being against something before you were so in favor of it that you co-authored the budget amendment to make it state law.]


  1. Republican State Sen. Alberta Darling, (River Hills), has earned a web page cataloguing most of the reasons she's forced into a recall election.

    Try not to kid yourself James. She is in a recall election because she dared to vote for Walker's budget repair bill and stand up to the public unions. Nothing more, nothing less.

    However, she is going to win so there is nothing to fear with her seat.

  2. Reiterating James' post:

    To see a catalog of reasons to recall Darling, visit

    Darling's Record
    Darling's Record II

  3. Or, just look at her vote on the BRB. There was never a mention of her recall until that vote.

  4. Keep deluding yourself, Reagan's Disciple. It's easy when you're living in a fact-free zone.

  5. Don't kid yourself Reagan's Sheep (though you do it constantly). Most of the people in the 8th don't belong to unions and Darling has offered them up an incredible bevy of reasons why it's time for her to do something else.

    Yeah, she might have been a moderate long time ago, but having to cave into the Brothers Grim has made her unappealing, especially against a real human being like Sandy Pasch.
