Monday, June 27, 2011

Minorities Omitted From Walker Budget Ceremonial Photo

I see no minorities, and two women only - - one being Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch - - in this front-page Milwaukee Journal Sentinel photo taken at Scott Walker's budget signing set up inside a private company in Green Bay.

Team Walker and the boss knew this particular photo-op would convey more than the minimal 1,000 words.

What's the message?


  1. Call Judge Sumi! I'm sure the budget could be stopped because he didn't meet the Democratic Party quota expectations.

  2. I dunno--I think the whole photo represents almost the entirety of the minority of Wisconsinites who think this budget is a good thing for Wisconsin.

    Signed by the one-year Governator.

  3. By all appearances, Walker spends more time thinking about these photo-ops and his other media appearances than anything else he does, including governing. That said, having a person of color in the photo may just not have crossed his mind. Sending a signal of unity was probably not really too important to him.

    I was struck by the distance between Walker and the people lined up behind him. The effect was to make Walker look much larger (= more important or perhaps more powerful?) than he is in real life. I have to wonder how much planning and rehearsal time goes into a typical Walker photo-op.

  4. Only a liberal would look at a photo and count the minorities. I guess Jim was incharge of the University of Wisconsin when they photoshopped black kids in their promotional guides. This is why liberals are the real racists, conservatives do not see color, where liberals do.

  5. To Anony: I don't know what liberals see and conservatives see. Those generalizations are in your head.

    I said what I saw.

  6. They looked like a choir ready to sing.

    I also noticed the maniacal grins they all had to wear.

  7. Actually, what struck me was the distance between the press and the hand-picked witnesses -- half a football field. I'll bet they never took questions either.

  8. "conservatives do not see color"

    That's because they've NIMBYed anyone of color outta the county.

  9. enough: good point about the distance. Is it also symbolic? The "supporters" trying to distance themselves from his extremeism?
