Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Celebrate Scot Ross' Birthday With a Donation Today To OWN

In honor of our hardworking Executive Director Scot Ross, send OWN (link) a donation. I just mailed a check. Honest. My idea (thank you Facebook) and yes, I sit on the group's C-3, non-profit board.


  1. I knew I'd get that from someone.

  2. I wish OWN would offer a better privacy policy when encouraging its viewers to submit stories of their experience with violent crime: "materials of any kind whatsoever ... will not be kept confidential."

    I would have more respect for Oprah Winfrey Network if it could improve its ethical policies. I'd like to see some more proactive cautioning about victims sharing their personal tragedy with the public at large.

    Check out Maria Morales over at wisn.com. Wade a page or two into the comments to see the hate-speech being hurled at Morales. One 'rational' debater reasons "All activist groups trying to protect [illegal immigrants] should be charge with treason and executed."

    A victim needs to speak out and have his or her voice heard, but privacy of personal details is paramount to protecting against re-victimization or victim blaming.
