Thursday, June 23, 2011

All Together Now: "We In Wisconsin DO NOT Have To Show A Picture ID To Vote In The Recall Elections"

The Republican-inspired Voter ID bill in Wisconsin - - included quite fairly in a national media account about the "rank partisanship" of new state laws to suppress election-day turnout - - does not require Wisconsin voters producing a picture ID to get a ballot in the summer recall elections.

It requires poll workers to ask for the ID - - but this is a training measure for 2012 elections when the law will be in effect.

Here is how the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board explained the procedures in a June 13 memo:
Under the Voter ID Law, voters must be asked to present a photo ID when they receive a ballot, but will not be required to present a photo ID to receive a ballot until the 2012 Spring Primary Election. At any election before then, a voter who does not have a photo ID will receive an informational document explaining the requirements of the new law.


  1. Haha, the PSA is appreciated, James.

    As asked: We in Wisconsin DO NOT have to show a picture ID to vote in the Recall elections!

  2. One more election with cheating to go!

  3. The phantom "cheating" to which you refer, without facts beyond a handful of cases prosecuted, pales in comparison and audacity to the overt fraud being perpetuated by the GOP through recruitment and promotion of Republican candidates being run in the recall elections as fake Democrats.

  4. More on that from the Washington Post: How states are rigging the 2012 election

    "one more election without cheating"
