Monday, May 23, 2011

Storm Intensification Predicted As Climate Change Consequence

Every time I read about more intense precipitation and storm events - - like yesterday's tornado outbreak - - I think back to a US Environmental Protection Agency  presentation for Midwestern Mayors in Chicago I attended with Milwaukee Mayor John Norquist at the end of 2003, where scientists told the Mayors to ready their storm water and other municipal services to handle the heavier storms that were coming.

I wrote about this three years ago.

And state-by-Midwestern state, repeated in depth by the Union of Concerned Scientists in 2009.

The Chicago conference was during the Bush years, by the way, so the people from the EPA - - scientists and technical experts - - were not infiltrated into the program by Al Gore.

Note, too, that the insurance industry, long warning about the costs of climate change, also wants local governments - - including Chicago - - better prepared, according to this current report.
According to Nikhil da Victoria Lobo, senior client manager in the Global Partnerships team at Swiss Re, the industry is trying to help local governments prepare for extreme weather to mitigate damage--and insurance liability. "Insurance can put a price tag on climate risk, and help local governments more efficiently prepare for and finance what may happen," he said on the call. If governments know how much money they're going to have to spend on extreme weather, they might be willing to invest more now. And if they invest more at this point, then insurance companies won't have to shoulder as much of the burden when people are taken unawares.
There are a number of ways that cities can prepare for climate change--New York, for example, might need to work on flood-proofing the subway system, while Chicago needs to upgrade its aging sewage infrastructure.


  1. There you go, Waukesha. There's your source of water.

  2. If it is too cold, Climate Change, too hot, climate change, too little snow, climate change, too much snow climate change, too much rain, climate change, too little rain climate change,etc.....

    You environmental wackos sure have an excuse for everything

  3. "If it is too cold, Climate Change, too hot, climate change, too little snow, climate change, too much snow climate change, too much rain, climate change, too little rain climate change,etc"

    You rode the short bus to school, didn't you? Climate scientists predicted this over 20 years ago: warmer atmosphere leads to warmer Gulf of Mexico, leads to more moisture evaporated from there, leads to more precipitation dumped on the upper Midwest in inconvenient amounts. The hypothesis is so old it made it into sci-fi ("Heavy Weather" by Bruce Sterling.)

  4. It's pretty obvious now that most obnoxious Climate Change Deniers are actually the most fervent Climate Change BELIEVERS when the cameras stop rolling.
    Yes, it's obvious.

    The very folks who put out noisy press releases to convince the public that it's all lies are up working to secure rights to shipping lanes in the north, mining rights and all kinds of anticipatory ways to best position themselves to make a buck. Selling that beachfront house in Martha's Vineyard before it's underwater. Damn obvious.

    They don't WANT people to behave in ways that reduces the Warming. They want there to be enough lag-time so that they can position themselves to make maximum profits off of the warming.
    Smell some coffee.
    Pretty soon you'll be growin' it and harvesting it with your mule. In Minnesota.

  5. I guess I did ride the short bus to school, because when I went to school all your environmental tree huggers were complaining about global cooling. Global warming is not proven no matter what you want to believe.

    Excuse me while I turn up my air conditioning, and throw away some plastic bags :)

  6. "I guess I did ride the short bus to school, because when I went to school all your environmental tree huggers were complaining about global cooling. "

    Well, you certainly proved yourself to be a dimwit, but I'll try to explain it to you in small words: global cooling is an effect of soot emissions reaching high altitude. Soot that we have not been putting into the air for a long time now. Global warming is a result of CO2, not soot. CO2 that we are putting into the air.

  7. Dear Annon:

    You remind me of the typical global warming alarmist. Whoever does not agree with you is a dimwit. Well, I consider myself pretty smart, university educated and have a successful career, and I think climate change alarmists are full of shit. The debate is not over regarding man made global warming.

    There are many reputable climate scientists that do not not believe that man is causing global warming. I know Al Gore has you brained washed.

    I do not have the time or the inclination to debate you on why you are wrong, but there are a number of great books on the subject. If you care to get another point of view, please read them.

    By the way, you failed to understand the point of the other annon point on global cooling.

    Scientists were screaming about the demise of the planet back in the 1970's, the same way you environmental wacko nuts are doing now. Oh and by the way, YOU ARE LOSING THE ARGUMENT AND PUBLIC OPINION!!!

    If you want to live a so called carbon free life, please feel free, but leave the rest of us alone. If the entire world stopped emitting carbon at this very moment, how long would it take for the average world temp to drop?

  8. "
    You remind me of the typical global warming alarmist. Whoever does not agree with you is a dimwit. Well, I consider myself pretty smart, university educated and have a successful career, and I think climate change alarmists are full of shit."

    Well, you certainly don't lack for self esteem, and willingness to cast aspersions, but it looks like you have the reading ability of a 12 year old, if not worse.

    " The debate is not over regarding man made global warming. "

    You clearly don't even know what a debate is. Here's a hint: it's not a contest to see who has the most stamina to keep posting comments on a blog thread. It's also not a contest over who can cast the most aspersions (e.g. "environmental whackos."

    Since you consider yourself intelligent, tell us, kind anonymous, did you take any course in Thermodynamics in college?

  9. "
    By the way, you failed to understand the point of the other annon point on global cooling.

    No, you're the one who does not understand it. In the 1970s, scientists said that if we keep putting soot into the air, it would cool the earth. Well, WE ARE NOT PUTTING SOOT INTO THE AIR. In the 1970's, because of that socialist Nixon, we passed the Clean Air Act, and coal burning plants got have scrubbers.
