Saturday, May 28, 2011

Paul Ryan Earns "Worst Week In Washington" And "Sore Loser" Notices

"The Fix," a Washington Post online political column, awards our very own Wisconsin Republican Congressman Paul Ryan its coveted "Worst Week In Washington" accolade for contributing to the loss of a safe upstate New York state Congressional seat.

His politically-toxic Medicare privatization plan drove voters away from a Republican candidate who praised it to the Democratic candidate who opposed it, and an expensive, last-ditch GOP effort to save the seat - - once held by GOP icon Jack Kemp - - couldn't overcome Ryan's taint.

Ryan stayed on message - - touted his plan, pouted a little, condemned his critics - - so got slammed pretty hard by the economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman (the words "lying" and "sore loser" were included in Krugman's New York Times analysis), and four US Senate Republicans in a test vote on Ryan's plan voted "No," showing some resistance among moderate Republicans to campaigning next year on his plans' major themes:

Turning Medicare over to private insurance companies, and giving Seniors down the road a voucher intentionally insufficient to meet a good chunk of their health care costs.

A fifth Senator, the Tea Party goofball Senator Rand Paul, (R-KY), also voted "No" because he didn't think Ryan's plan went far enough.

Paul Ryan...Rand Paul...minor differences in name and 'philosophy'...but both are all for turning Medicare into a cash cow for private insurers and further expanding the power of the GOP's financial arm - -  Corporate State.

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