Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No-Nukes Germany Is A Bold Experiment

In the wake of Japan's nuclear power catastrophe, Germany - - Europe's leading economy - - makes an historic commitment to conservation, alternative and renewable energy generation by declaring it will abandon nuclear power by 2022.

I'm impressed: Can you image the US doing this, or as nuclear-dependent a state as Wisconsin?

Right now, we can't even get our new Governor - - the same guy who has stopped wind turbine and Amtrak expansions in the state - - to follow through on the plan to convert the UW's Charter St. coal-fired plant to biomass, (he is substituting natural gas.)


  1. What the flock does Amtrack expansion have to do with nuclear or alternative energy development??

  2. People who ride trains are not each in a polluting vehicle.

  3. So do you really believe that Germany is going to replace 25% of it's electrical generation with something less polluting than Nuclear?

    Good luck with that.

    And considering this is all about electric generation - to Ron R's point - wth does this have to do with Amtrak between Milwaukee and Madison?

    And btw Rowen in case this has not dawned on you, trains pollute too.

