Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Fresh Walker Boondoggle: Free Taxpayer Money To Investment Companies

This Walker plan is so bad - - the state would let go of $200 million in seed money and waive repayment - -  that even State Sen. Glenn Grothman, (R-West Bend), says it stinks.

I can't wait to play "follow the money" with this latest example of the small government crowd being oh, so generous to a special interest - - with the public's money.

And we also read today that Walker is forcing the layoff of 21 MPS school nurses. $1.5 million no longer available - - even though the state just figured out that instead of being broke, as Walker claimed, its revenues were running $636 million ahead of projection.

Irony, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. At this point we need to start investigating the governor's personal finances, and whether or not he has a promised line of income in the form of speaking fees lined up for him after his term ends. It's impossible to dismiss the possibility that he is simply engaging in theft. This new program is too brazen.
