Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Concealed Carry Fatal Shooting Case - - And Case Study - - Unfolding On Milwaukee's East Side

This won't be the last of these tragedies, as the legislature moves to make concealed carry of firearms in Wisconsin legal and easy- - maybe even without a permit, training or proficiency test.


  1. How is this linked to Concealed Carry other than it involved a gun?

  2. Right now someone can legally open carry a firearm with minimal restrictions and no training. If I understand the argument correctly, some people want to require training and a permit to simply wear a sweatshirt or a jacket over that same firearm.

    Neither bill will affect me because I have the training or will become further trained regardless. However, people less fortunate than I may not be able to afford the time or money that may be needed to obtain a permit.

    The bad guys are already carrying weapons and do not have any training. Think about it.

  3. Ron and Reagan, all those who hate the 2nd Amendment thank you.

    The only way to do C&C is to make it like and Eagle Scout. Aside from law enforcement, very few people have the make-up and experience to accurately target and discharge a hand gun at another human being.

    The current legislation is guaranteed to lead to carnage which will weaken the 2nd Amendment. That's the priority: protect the 2nd Amendment.

  4. However, people less fortunate than I may not be able to afford the time or money that may be needed to obtain a permit.

    Sorry, this argument was made inoperable by Voter ID proponents.

  5. John,

    You do realize that there will not be a "target" proficiency for obtaining a permit under either proposed legislation correct?

    Besides, the people you claim who do not have the make-up & experience are already allowed to carry a hand gun. They are called the criminals.

    At issue here is that you simply want to charge a permit fee and offer training to put on a jacket or sweatshirt.

    Also, please tell us about the "carnage" in other states who have constitutional carry. Perhaps Doyle should have signed this years ago and we would be under the permit system.

    @gnarly - there will be no cost to individuals to get an ID to vote, but there is a cost for permits and training. You also have to show an ID to buy a gun.

    I'm not a proponent of either type of CCW legislation as I will qualify under both bills and still continue to get training regardless of what is signed into law. The big difference here is that I trust the law-abiding citizens of our state and the other 49 states who have CCW regardless of which legislation passes here in WI.


  6. "there will be no cost to individuals to get an ID to vote"

    Like hell there won't. The waived fee (which you have to know about to ask for) is the least of the costs involved in getting an ID.

  7. @gnarly,

    One name, give me just one name.

  8. I know libs don't like to answer a simple question, but I will ask this again. What does the linked story have to do with any concealed carry law?

  9. Reagan's DiscipleMay 25, 2011 at 8:26 PM


    They won't answer you so I will...

    Nothing! It is just more squawking.
