Monday, May 9, 2011

Another Political Derailment; Walker Makes Wisconsin A Two-Time Loser

Federal funding for better Amtrak service from Milwaukee-to-Chicago is routed elsewhere, having once been in hand here, along with another $650 million, to extend those improvements all the way to Madison.

That was before Scott Walker's clever "Kill The Train" campaign mantra became a reality.

Now he's failed to get about 20% returned.

The evidence is piling up; Walker is an abject failure, but the public can right the wrong at the recall ballot box.

All aboard?


  1. It's worse than even that, James. If you read point 8 of this LFB paper, Walker's stupid refusal of the train money also means that the Feds won't cover maintenance and lease costs for the Talgo facility. So now that Alternative 1 was approved last week, the Transportation Fund (and state taxpayers) are slated to pay an extra $5 million for the rail service, instead of having the Feds pick it up.

    Cool trick, huh?

  2. No wonder the Legislature had to cut $5 million from bicycle funding!
