Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Post-Supreme Court Election Question #1

What insult is now a total off-limits term for a man to throw at a woman, and certainly if the man is an elected official who knows he is going to run for re-election statewide, and the woman he insults is sort of his boss and has won more statewide elections that has he, and is so widely-respected that even the statewide chamber of commerce decided not to try and defeat her when she was most recently on the ballot?

Just wondering.


  1. but it's not off limits for another woman to say it, as shown when barbara bush's use of it against ferraro didn't hurt reagan.

  2. Well, as SNL women said so well, "b*tch is the new black!" And with women more than half of the voters, Prosser got b*tchslapped right out of his long black robe. Love it.
