Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Alberta Darling's "Fundraising Rampage"

The helpful Wisconsin Recall Blog provides a link that documents Alberta Darling's "fundraising rampage."

The bankers, car dealers, lawyers, CEO's, School Choice folks, medical professionals and a veritable Who's Who of Monied Republicans have already coughed up some some serious, early buckage.

Give you an idea of what will be raised to save Walker next year.

I've put aside $250 so far- - as I said I would - - so I can contribute $1,000 next year to the Walker recall effort.

Where are you on your pledges?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link James, I was surprised to learn at the start of all this that there aren't fundraising limits on these elections. Makes you question just how much Walker will be able to raise in the event of a recall. Would gifts of $1m, $2m, or even $5m be too outlandish? After the amount of money dropped by AFP on persuasion efforts so far in the budget repair bill battle, I can't say I know.
