Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Since Walker Took Over, More Than 2,200 Private Sector Jobs Have Been Lost In Wisconsin

And just at 19 workplaces required by the state's so-called "Red Dot Potato Chip Law" (look for that statute to get wiped off the books in "Open for Business Wisconsin") to notify Walker's Department of Workforce Development that the jobs were disappearing.

Companies - - and this is from memory -- that are laying off 50 or more workers have to give 60 days notice. Firms laying off fewer employees do not have to give similar notice.

More official information, here.

(The law is named after a potato chip maker that locked workers out of a plant on E. Washington Ave. in Madison and closed it without any notice. Then-State Rep. David Clarenbach, (D-Madison) was the author.)


  1. walkers a dictator!!!

  2. Somebody get an adding machine.

    Thousands from the high speed rail crash. How many from shrinking education budgets? Hundreds (thousands) from the cancellation of Invenergy's business plan to install wind turbines in Wisconsin.

    Walker is sinking below his much stated 250,000 goal. Jobs, jobs, jobs - to quote Walker. by-by, by-by, by-by
