Wednesday, March 16, 2011

And About That No-Tax-Increase State Budget...Explain Away This 20% Increase

Play with and parse the language of public finances all you want - - and remember how talk radio and others conservatives gripe when a new fee is added or an old one raised instead to avoid a politically-damaging tax increase.

So go stand with Scott Walker and say with a straight face that tuition is not a tax, but Wisconsin students and their families know that raising tuition is just another way for the state to collect money.

UW-Madison is estimating a 20% increase over two years.

And separately, income taxes are going up for thousands of low-income working poor, too.

There's your no-tax-increase budget.


  1. Wow, calling it a tax hike based on an estimate. Sounds like what I would describe as a SWAG(Stupid Wild Assed Guess).

  2. The budget calls for an unspecified increase and the 20% estimate is authoritative. Should we pretend none of that was written down and discussed?
