Thursday, February 24, 2011

State Patrol Sent To Senators' Homes: Waste Of Resources With Troubled Highways

In the state that leads the nation in drunken driving and binge drinking and drunken-driving fatalities, sending Wisconsin Stare Patrol officers to all fourteen Senators' homes early Thursday morning to flush them towards the Capitol for voting is a foolish and dangerous waste of resources.

State Sen. Tim Cullen, a Janesville Democrat, reports visits on two separate days.

Worse, the Walker administration just appointed Stephen Fitzgerald, the father of the Republican leaders of both Wisconsin legislative houses, superintendent of the state patrol.

So nepotism meets abuse of power.

Noted earlier.

The State Patrol is staffed with sworn, armed officers. It should be free of political influences, with officers assisting motorists in distress, or pulling over unsafe vehicles, overweight trucks, speeders, and drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol.



    I am not an attorney, but, isn't using state employees to send out 6000 notices of possible job terminations when the Governor remarked about a premeditated ploy to push through the so called, "budget repair," bill (as Walker admits to saying in the punked phone call yesterday) to force Democratic compliance with his partisan administrative usurpation of existing legislative oversight and union busting, illegal?

    When he said this premeditated job termination ploy was likely going to be necessary to force the issue and he was only going to be doing it to ratchet up political pressure on Democrats, I’m seeing that statement as an implicit lie about the actual fiscal necessity of that move to send out job termination notices, and, aside from a waste of state employee time to send out notices which may not really be fiscally necessary, could this action, if it occurs today as was discussed in the punked phone call, also be an illegal use of state employees?

    Maybe the State AG ought to be looking at the legality of the Governor's promised upcoming orders for pending layoff notices for potentially non-fiscal reasons, instead of following the Governor's punked phone call stated requests for AG investigations into the possibility of, “illegal,” union money helping the courageous 14 Democrats stay out of state so the real nuances of the bill can come fully to the public light.

  2. Does anybody else think it is about time for Governor Gullible to reveal his actual State Budget for the upcoming biennium? How many extensions past the legal date for this revelation now?

    That would certainly spoil his strategy of pushing through the, "repair," bill, but would hopefully shed some light on badly needed facts to make honest, informed and level-headed budget decisions for the State.

  3. Good luck getting JBVH to investigate Walker. You'll have better luck finding a Democratic State Senator @ the Great Dane during happy hour today.
