Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Republican Legislator In Wisconsin Votes "No" On Walker's Union Assault

Dean Kaufert, (R-Neenah), is the kind of experienced, level-headed Republican who understands that the state's fiscal picture does not justify  Gov. Scott Walker's attack on collective bargaining.

Neenah is in deeply red, Republican territory, yet Kaufert had the courage to vote against a bad bill.

Hats off to a real leader in the Wisconsin Assembly.


  1. Thanks for sharing this info. I'm happy to know that not all Republicans are compelled to vote the party line.

  2. Thanks for sharing this info. I'm happy to know that all Democrats are compelled to vote the party line.

  3. I don't know the man, but I am not entirely surprised. Years ago, when I covered labor for the Milwaukee Journal, I did a story one day on the AFL-CIO lobbying day in Madison. Kaufert was relatively new then in the legislature, I believe. But I observed his interaction w/ the labor reps from his part of the state and saw that there seemed to be a certain mutual respect there.

  4. None other than Tommy Thompson indicated in an interview with On Point Radio that he would favor the GOP-sponsored sunset compromise on ending collective bargaining rights.

  5. Tommy can and should do better than that. He's wimping out.

  6. Well, of course, James. I don't support Tommy Thompson or the compromise. And hyper-partisan Tommy made sure to tow the party line on the absent Senate Democrats returning before any deal might be discussed. But Tommy did give Walker some cover should Walker try to save some face with a last minute compromise. I hope there is no compromise as I think Walker is losing the public opinion battle. (I would like to see him recalled.) Surely Walker will be blamed more than anybody else should any lay-offs occur.

  7. Congratulations, Rep Kaufert, and thank you! You have courage and independence, two characteristics in short supply among your GOP colleagues.
