Monday, February 28, 2011

Closing Wisconsin Capitol A Confrontational Tactic By Walker, Allies

Closing the Wisconsin State Capitol to protesters suggests that the authorities do not want people inside if there is no deal on his so-called budget repair bill, thereby triggering Walker's promised layoffs.

Nor do they want protesters around when Walker introduces his two-year budget bill, which is going to contain his $1 billion cut in public spending, triggering more layoffs at the local level, along with Draconian cuts to Medicaid and other safety-net programs - - but is also likely to contain tax cuts that work most to the advantage of upper-income earners.

Will Walker deliver his budget address Tuesday to a hand-picked audience so TV broadcasts and records a lovefest? Are we reaching this stage of propagandizing?

Closing the Capitol is a bad sign and a bad move.

After weeks of missteps and blunders, this may be Walker's biggest yet.

It is a sign of weakness that insults democracy.


  1. it is a great idea, should have thrown them out last week. wonder were they go to sleep now ?

  2. Peaceful . . . . and clean! The protesters even organized clean-up crews and assisted maintenance workers. (per MJS, today)

    Contrast these facts with the words of the Dept of Administration officials who are trying to paint the protesters as dirty and (Willard--this is directed to you) homeless.

    They are Wisconsinites who truly love our state and are exercising their civil rights through peaceful protest.

    BTW: If the protests in Madison consist mostly of out-of-staters. as our Gov keeps repeating, then why were there such large numbers in solidarity protests in other states on Saturday? You can't have it both ways, Gov!
