Monday, January 17, 2011

Tomah Newspaper Blasts Walker's Plan To End Wind Turbine Industry

Great, out-state editorial.

This is a statewide economic issue.

Environmental groups are spreading the word, too, as shown in this op-ed from Keith Reopelle, at Clean Wisconsin, and in a separate release today from Kerry Schumann, Executive Director of Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters.

Said Schumann:
"While other states are moving forward with their own energy independence, it appears Governor Walker wants Wisconsin to remain dependent on places like Illinois for our dirty coal habit..."

"It's growing increasingly unclear whether Wisconsin is open for the kind of business being done in the second millennium.  Wisconsin simply can't afford to send a message to the world that we are opting out of the clean energy economy."


  1. “There are very few locations in the entire Badger State that could overcome such extreme constraints,” said [energy coalition spokesman Michael] Vickerman. “You can count the locations on the fingers of one hand.'”

    And I bet those fingers get a whole lot more valuable if this piece of crap gets passed.

    I wonder who owns them?

  2. At least the Tomah Journal was cited and not the Mineral Point Democrat Tribune.

    The Tomah Journal has much more creditability than that Mineral Point rag.

    I cant wait to see what the Wauzeka Chief has to say about wind turbines issue.
