Friday, December 31, 2010

The Old DNR Way, Stewardship; The New Walker Way - - "Cut It, Gut It, Pave it, Fill 'Er In"

Walker, Stepp and Co. are not your Warren Knowles kind of Republicans, so they will do all they can do roll back state funding for what has been a long-standing bi-partisan land preservation and public access program named after Governors Knowles and Gaylord Nelson.

Republicans tried to starve the program and now have the votes.

The new Walker DNR motto: "Cut it, pave it, gut it, fill 'er in."

Happy New Year, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. That's a shame really, because there are actually quite a few less destructive methods of dealing with development woes. Maybe someone should sign him up for a new urbanism seminar!
