Thursday, November 4, 2010

Journal Sentinel Appeals For Moderation; Their Conservative Voice Does Not Listen

The Journal Sentinel's lead editorial today is headlined "Put away the rancor."

So the newspaper's conservative voice pulls out the nastiest line from election night and runs with it.

Worse is that the line - - pure bar talk - - was uttered on television by the state's most senior Congressman, Jim Sensenbrenner.

It slimed the state.


  1. Jim Doyle is the one who has been sliming Wisconsin for the last 8 years.

    Sensenbrenner (my congressperson and proud of it) just accurately identified that Diamond Jim is indeed slithering his way out of office.

    The secret (why did he hide this Rowen?) signing of the train agreements this last weekend was just the latest flip-off by Doyle to the taxpayers of Wisconsin.

    Btw - I wonder how many of those close races were lost by your Dems due to this election day surprise.

  2. Sensenbrenner's remark demeaned everyone. You might say what he said in private. He's a Congressman. It was without class.

  3. Jim Sensenbrenner is the scum clinging to the edges of the cesspool of history, as mean and small-minded in victory as in defeat. Once in a while, Anon Jim, a burble of methane rises sluggishly to the surface of the cesspool, blurts its foul-smelling gas into the air and disappears forever.

  4. Have you forgotten Tucson already?

  5. To the last Anon: Check your time lines.
