Sunday, October 10, 2010

Political Coverup Of Milwaukee County Financial Collapse

A blue ribbon commission studying the fiscal condition of Milwaukee County has prepared a devastating critique but is trying to keep it confidential through the rest of the Governor's race so County fiscal failure Scott Walker can get his promotion to the Governor's office.

Thanks to Dan Bice, the report's existence is now known.

Scott Walker should not just be rebuffed in his absurd bid for the Governorship - - he should be required to stick around in his current job, man up and work harder to fix the situation.

Or has eight years been enough time?

1 comment:

  1. You probably saw the frenzied attempts by the Walker crowd to distract people by changing the subject or claiming the somehow the Journal Sentinel was biased. But the facts spoke for themselves. Walker is doing so badly that these people said that his job should be abolished because he won't defend the programs we need from the county
