Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kleefisch's Weirdness Not Drawing Deserved Attention - - Yet

Rebecca Kleefisch is not getting the same kind of national media attention for her brainless musings about marriages with pets and furniture that, say, a Rand Paul got in Kentucky for questioning the need for civil rights constitutional protections and statutes, or that Christine O'Donnell's receives in Delaware for her frequent gaffes and flubs, or that Joe Miller got in Alaska for coming out against the minimum wage.

That's because those candidates are running for the US Senate - - where members vote on treaties, Supreme Court nominees and the Federal Budget - - while Kleefisch is only running for Lt. Governor.

But two Lt. Governors during my years in Wisconsin  - - Marty Schreiber and Scott McCallum - - took over when when Governors Pat Lucey and Tommy Thompson took federal jobs.

Just saying...if you let Scott Walker become Governor, it's Kleefisch who's waiting in the wings, and gets to be in charge if Walker is incapacitated.

By the way, a posting I put on Daily Kos Wednesday night about Kleefisch and the other Tea Party/Republicans at the top of our ballot got some interest.

1 comment:

  1. reading the comments on your kos posting was great entertainment! thanks.
