Monday, October 25, 2010

Johnson's Hometown Paper - - Like Those in Milwaukee, La Crosse, Green Bay and Madison - - Endorses Feingold

The Oshkosh Northwestern finds local businessman and goof corporate citizen Ron Johnson inexperienced, even evasive and not US Senator material.

Endorsement, Feingold.

The last few paragraphs from the long editorial:

Candidate Johnson has railed against government programs but businessman Johnson has enjoyed the benefits of those programs.His answer to questions in the limited interviews and appearances he has made have shown a propensity for vague and scripted talking points that strike emotional chords without substance or thought. For instance, he refused to spell out in any detail what federal programs he would cut in an appearance at the Milwaukee Press Club in September in response to a question about the major theme of his campaign, smaller government.
"There's billions of dollars . . . that from my standpoint would be available for cutting. But I'm not going to get in the game here and, you know, start naming specific things to be attacked about, quite honestly," according to a news story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. That is precisely the type of information voters should have to evaluate whether Johnson's choices line up with their own.
Johnson has simply not run a campaign that has made a compelling and substantive case to replace a senator as effective and well regarded as Russ Feingold. On Nov. 2, voters should return Feingold to the Senate.
The Final Thought: Sen. Russ Feingold is the most qualified candidate and should be re-elected.

1 comment:

  1. Never understood why anyone put any stock into the endorsements by the embarrassment of newspapers we have here in Wisconsin.

    Who cares what the "braintrust" of the editorial bored at any of them think.

    They don't even have the basic credibility to admit who wrote the endorsements.
