Monday, October 18, 2010

Even The So-Called Republican Moderates Pander To Post-Obama Hysteria

US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-NC), said Sunday morning that President Barack Obama engineered a "takeover of most of society."

Say what?

That's the Michael Savage line - - upchucked on late night right-wing talk radio, but from Lindsey Graham - - attorney, former military judge advocate, backer of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court and a sometimes supporter of climate change legislation?

Now we know that Graham knows that's ridiculous - - as are fictions that Obama is a Muslim, a foreigner, a socialist.

Or there is something in reality called "Obamacare" that is a government takeover of health insurance.

But an elected official from the Deep South like Graham needs to get right on the right side of Rush Limbaugh & Co. to stay in office, so a little fear-mongering circa 2010 about Obama is a cheap and cheesy way to do it.


  1. Calling Lindsey Graham a "so-called republican" is spot on.

    She fought for the title with John McCain when the soon-to-be-out-of-office Senator Arlen Spector switched over to the Democratic party in a pathetic attempt to hang onto his office and power.

    Spector was rewarded by the Dems by being thrown under the bus.

    Unfortunately it was only literally.

  2. Anonymous:

    Your ignorance is showing: Lindsey Graham is a male, not a female.

    You not knowing this basic fact certainly raises questions of what else you're ignorant or wrong about, and makes it easy for readers to dismiss your entire comment.
