Friday, June 25, 2010

County Garage Concrete Collapse: Let The Investigators Do Their Work

I remember from my Milwaukee Journal days looking into aviation accidents that early suppositions often gave way to hidden facts leading to surprising or layered conclusions.

So I'm going to wait for the investigations to get tied up, or for some official preliminary findings to be released about the collapse of a piece of the County parking structure on Lincoln Memorial Drive before I have anything to say about it here.


  1. I hope they don't prolong the end of the investigation until after the election.

  2. The fact that Sheriff David Clarke seems to be acting, at least, like he is leading the investigstion does not give me much confidence in it.

  3. As this is a death investigation, it would be insane for anyone to mess around or divert it.

  4. Jim, two words- Pat Tillman.
