Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Milwaukee/Waukesha Scrima Scrimmage

I wrote on this blog Tuesday that new Waukesha Mayor Jeff Scrima starts out with a clean slate, and that one of the things he needed to work on was his relationship with Milwaukee - - a city about which he had some unflattering things to say during his campaign.

I hear there is a letter with at least eight - - a majority - - signatures from Milwaukee aldermen circulating for delivery to Scrima, asking him to clarify his campaign statements.

In my posting yesterday, there is a link to an op-ed Scrima wrote to the Waukesha Freeman with some of his Milwaukee-related comments. The context is the possible sale of Lake Michigan water to Waukesha by Milwaukee, and the larger of the two cities has a policy calling for certain practices on socio-economic issues to be met by the buying community.

There may be an intermediary role to be played by former Ald, Michael D'Amato in this opening round of contacts between Scrima and Milwaukee City Hall.

D'Amato is a lobbyist for the firm of Martin Schreiber & Associates, a contractor to the Waukesha Water Utility Commission on water supply issues.

Mike was hired to help broker the eventual water contract between the two cities should Waukesha receive permission for the Lake Michigan diversion: if the new Waukesha Mayor needs a scorecard to identify the Milwaukee players, who better than a former senior Milwaukee Alderman?

Scrima is entitled to a seat on the Commission, as are some appointees. The contract with Schreiber, et al runs for some additional months, so presumably the firm is available.

This dance with Milwaukee is but one of many facing the new Waukesha Mayor, whose support for the diversion was lukewarm, at best, and late in his campaign.

Somehow he has to get on the same page as his Water Utility when the application gets to the Wisconsin DNR and the other Great Lakes states for their review, or the dissonance will encourage the scheme's detractors.

And you out there say you want to an elected Chief Executive?

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