Sunday, February 21, 2010

Independent DNR Veto Override Takes Place Tuesday

Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters reminds everyone about a major environmental vote in the Legislature on 2/23:

State Representative will vote to override the Governor's veto of the Independent DNR Secretary bill. Have you done your homework?

  1. Call your state Representative. Ask them, "Will you vote to override the Governor's veto of AB 138?" Don't accept any excuses!! Their vote very well could be the one that determines whether Wisconsin will manage natural resources based on science or politics.

  2. BE THERE on Tuesday, February 23rd. We need to PACK the Capitol with conservationists on the day of the vote. Overriding a Governor is serious business and your presence will demonstrate that we are taking it VERY seriously. Get more details here.

  3. Contact Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters. Let us know how the conversation with your Representative went. Your reports back have helped us guide this campaign every step of the way. With more information, we can be sure to make the most of our limited time left. While you're at it, let us know if you'll be able to join us on Tuesday the 23rd for the big vote.

1 comment:

  1. This effort is meaningless.

    Decker said he wouldn't even take it up.

    So you can generate all the calls you want into the Assembly, but regardless of the outcome - the issue is dead.

    Don't get sucked into this.
