Monday, January 18, 2010

Milwaukee to Hire Sustainability Director, Filling Vacancy

The City of Milwaukee is accepting applications for the position of Sustainability Director, filling a vacancy created not long ago when Ann Beier, the only person to hold the job, decided to return to the west coast.

Here are the hiring details from the city website.

It's a good thing that the position will be filled, as City Hall needs a strong advocate for green jobs and strategies for both growth and environmentalism.

Especially as the city continues discussions with Waukesha, and the DNR, over how Waukesha's application for a Great Lakes diversion will be analyzed, and what sorts of negotiations will take place over water pricing and related matters.

Beyond the Waukesha issues, Milwaukee needs to position itself as a provider of green jobs, whether it be in high-speed rail, alternative energy production or in academe, so there is a need for technical and political expertise available to aldermen, the Mayor and as a liaison to the private sector.

Let's hope the city finds the person it needs because that person will be invaluable.

And busy.

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