Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dredging, Erosion Depleting The Great Lakes

A long-term study shows that human activity - - dredging to assist shipping in a Great Lakes tributary river - - has led to erosion and massive loss of freshwater daily.

So add fixing this to a growing list of urgent Great Lakes repairs, including stopping the Asian carp from breaking through into Lake Michigan from Chicago's sewerage canal and assisting more lakefront communities with sewer system overflows.

You can't recruit industry and tourists to a freshwater system that is leaking to the ocean and being fouled by predatory fish or pollution.

1 comment:

  1. I want to put in a plug for a "Project Milwaukee" series that aired recently on WUWM's daily show, "Lafe Effect." The series, called "The Currency of Water," aired from Dec. 7 to Dec. 11 and raised important questions about Milwaukee's goal of becoming a global hub for the water technology industry.

    The series is available online here:
