Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bring On Fast Trains for Amtrak

The New York Times explains why.


  1. The link provided here appears to be broken. Try this one instead: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/29/business/29amtrak.html?em

  2. I just saw a story the other day about the fastest trains in the world beginning operation in China. I had to wonder if maybe we could not get China to build some of the same kinds of rail lines and trains here in the US. Might not a complete do-over -- a fresh start -- make more sense than trying to retrofit existing rail lines? We need more speed for trains to make money and we wont get the top speeds available on our existing tracks -- ever. Apparently, Chinese technology is considered state-of-the-art today.

  3. Make that French technology, I have since learned. NPR had a story recently (the past day or two) on the Chinese high-speed rail system. Quite an ambitious project!
