Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Most Amazing Scott Walker Flip-Flop Yet

Remember Scott Walker's "lipstick on a pig" denigration of the M7, the then-budding Milwaukee regional economic development effort?

Well, now Scott loves the M7 big time, according to a statement from his office about Republic Airlines' expansion at Mitchell Airport.

No mention in the release that Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, perhaps Walker's foe in the 2010 gubernatorial tilt, was an initial co-chair of the M7, or that Gov. Jim Doyle, allegedly so anti-business, put tax credits - - explanation here - - into the state budget that helped Republic expand in Milwaukee.

Ah - - why let the facts interfere with the spin?

Walker's release is self-serving, short and simple - - classic Scott.

Given his new love affair with the pig, expect Walker to "Shop The Pig" and show up when Piggly-Wiggly opens this fall in the old Lena's/Jewel on E. Capitol Dr.

1 comment:

  1. Wow James - we all know how much you despise Scott Walker, but you must be able to see hidden text in Walker's statement we can't.

    Don't really see where Walker is taking credit and would you have been happier if Walker would have not mentioned the Milwaukee 7?

    Based on your comments it appears that Barrett and Diamond Jim weren't directly involved with this - so why would he mention them?

    And criticizing him for not being long-winded and complex is puzzling.

    Seems no matter what Walker stated, you would have irrationally slammed it.

    You really need to allow for some love in your heart and get rid of some of that hatred my good man.
