Friday, November 27, 2009

Milwaukee's Governments: Two Leaders, Two Budgets...Many Differences

Lisa Kaiser at The Shepherd captures the salient difference between Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett when it comes to their budgets - - and hence, their leadership and what we might expect of them as Governor.

As Kaiser explains - - and the contrast is a bright line separating these 2010 gubernatorial hopefuls - - Barrett's budget is balanced through modest increases with givebacks, and honest construction, while Walker's will teeter and perhaps collapse early through modest increases, plus givebacks that have yet to materialize.

The Barrett approach is truth-in-budgeting; Walker's is not, but is true to a pattern of past budgeting characterized by imaginary numbers, gaps and red ink.

Now which would you prefer in the Governor's office and Executive budgeting process

1 comment:

  1. Oh the Shpeherd... like a blog but in print... like Milwaukee Magazine, just not glossy and not the fetish of an heiress.

    It's all over but for counting the ballots.
