Saturday, November 14, 2009

If Barrett Runs...

The basic question will be:

Do you want as Governor our fringe-dwelling Milwaukee County Executive, Scott Walker, who asked Sarah Palin for her support when she was here a week ago?


  1. Now that Barrett is in, am heartened by the full backing and support Tom will receive from the Obama administration.

    Am 100% certain it will work out just as well as it did for Corzine in New Jersey and Deeds in Virginia . . . .

  2. If you would like to bet that Obama will be a drag on the ticket in Wisconsin, I'd be glad to take a little money off your hands.

  3. Please elaborate, what do you mean by fringe-dwelling?

    What do you think Walker's reasoning was for asking for Palin's support? Answering this question requires a little thought so you need to step outside of your liberal self and actually ponder why you think Walker would seek her support.

    While you won't find a liberal checked off on one of my ballots any time soon, if presented with the opportunity, I wouldn't check of Palin either. She lost credibility when and in the way she resigned as governor.
