Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Several We Energies Plants Are On A Non-Compliance List

The New York Times reports pollution runoff at coal-fired plants nationwide from airborne emissions that enter surface waters: several We Energies plants make the list.

The Times story - - here - - also says there are gaps in enforcement, and confusion over which laws apply, further complicating the picture.

The irony is that scrubbers are successfully removing pollutants that used to pour into the sky, but which now are released as runoff.

The story does not say precisely which chemicals run off at which plants across the country. USEPA data supports the story.


  1. How many had violations? The ones I recognize there show zero violations. Did they have any with violations?

  2. I added more context and a link to the full story to address the above comment.

  3. You imply that they have done something wrong. There were no violations. Interesting you didn't mention Camp Manitou YMCA, Gen. Mitchell Intnl Airport, the City of Milwaukee, which you worked for or the hundreds of other possible sources in the state. How about the Forest County Potawatomi or the DNR's Thunder River Fish Hatchery. Your bias is so obvious. Time to quit grinding your axe.

  4. Look who else is on the list...

    UWM Great Lakes Reseach Institute
    600 E Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204

    Last inspection: Oct. 30, 2008

    Classification: Fish Hatcheries and Preserves

    Last enforcement: Unknown

    This facility has not been out of compliance in the past 12 quarters.

    View detailed information from the Environmental Protection Agency.

  5. Another bad actor...

    New Berlin Public Schools
    18695 W. Cleveland Ave., New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151

    Total inspections: 1

    Last inspection: Jan. 31, 2008

    Classification: Sewerage Systems

    Last enforcement: Unknown

    This facility has not been out of compliance in the past 12 quarters.

  6. Another huge polluter...

    WI DNR Nevin Fish Hatchery
    3 Miles South Of Beltline, Madison, Wisconsin 53711

    Last inspection: Unknown

    Classification: Fish Hatcheries and Preserves

    This facility has not been out of compliance in the past 12 quarters.

  7. I read the whole story and understand the larger issue, but I agree with the comment above, I don't see any violations on the part of we energies in Wisconsin Jim, what am I missing?

  8. Another irony; The people sickenend by pollution are not included in
    the health care debate. As we have quit smoking and begin exercising more, we still are faced with the dangers provided by corporate by-product toxics. Where is their responsability in keeping us healty? Should'nt their be an agency to protect peoples health? It appears the people have become ownerous of all these toxic ill-ness', while the corporations that could set up shop in another coutry did so to escape environmental/fair labor standards here. Guess who got stuck holding the bag.

  9. Need to take that sickness thought a step further Brutus - just link Health Care with Global Warming.

    Combine the forces of the Obamacare Death Squads with the Gore-acle Chicken Littles and you will have a can't lose combination.

  10. Anon Jim; Are you suggesting toxics have no effect on human health? if so, i've got some chinese drywall for ya. The "right", (not to be confused with correct) have done what they can to preserve a failed corperate ideology. They've done their best to scare the people into believing any changes to the status-qou would be disasterous when it has been their policies that got us here. Chicken little was known for exagerating. That is what we are now getting out the right. Doom and gloom if the pragmatic left touches a thing.
