Sunday, September 20, 2009

The State Screws Up - - Milwaukee Gets Hurt

Someone said this to me recently:

"The State is incompetent, and Milwaukee gets hurt."

There was a dual context to the pointed, accurate remark:

The first was the failed state oversight of child care funding routed to scamming providers in Milwaukee.

The second was the monumental screw-up by state institutions which failed to collect required DNA samples for a data bank from 12,000 felons.

One such inmate, recently-arrested Milwaukee serial killer Walter Ellis: allegedly murdered one of his female victims after his release from prison - - so Ellis remained on the streets and that murder not solved at the time because the Ellis DNA sample wasn't on file.

The oft-discussed Madison-Milwaukee disconnect can have deadly, shameful consequences.

1 comment:

  1. Have to agree with you here James regarding the Ellis/DNA situation.

    Our over-funded, over-paid, over-benefited, lazy, incompetent, government bureaucrats have once again not done their job and the taxpayers who fund them are the ones harmed.

    You know, the whole "biting the hand that feeds them" thing.

    On the other hand as far as the child care funding fraud goes, you would have to figure that actually benefited Milwaukee considering that is probably a significant portion of the local economy. A whole lot of money has been pouring into Milwaukee that would not otherwise.
