Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama Speech To Be Non-Political: I'll Let Rush Be The Judge Of That

So the lefty New York Times says President Obama's address to school children will avoid politics, stressing hard work and big dreams.

Oh, sure. Like the Times doesn't tell Obama what to say, and vice-versa.

I heard Michael Savage say just last night that everything the AP writes about Obama is cleared with Rahm Emanuel, so why should the Times be any different?

I'll wait to hear what Rush Limbaugh has to say about the speech, since that's where I get my objective analysis.


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  3. Michael Savage???

    James - you really are hooked on talk radio no matter how truly horrendous it is.

    Listened to Michael Savage several years ago for about 2 minutes before figuring out he was not only a flaming moron, but a pseudo-conservative to boot.

    Savage quickly earned a lifetime /ignore for me.

    Can not understand why anyone would listen to him, particularly you James.

  4. I don't know about you, but I get mine from the stout pillars of journalism at Media Matters (via Keith Olbermann), or locally the hard-hitting investigative pieces at One Wisconsin Now.
